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From Hinge Online: On Love: Adam Fieled (2003)


Source: http://www.scribd.com/doc/265475210/From-Hinge-Online-On-Love

Apparition Poems Part 1 on PennSound

The first of four sections of Apparition Poems on Adam Fieled's PennSound page.

Apparition Poems in Jacket 40 (NLA/Pandora)

This is the Pandora/NLA (National Library of Australia) page from Jacket Magazine 40 which features three Apparition Poems by American poet Adam Fieled featured in the 2010 Blazevox print book Apparition Poems. 

This video of American poet Adam Fieled reading from the 2010 Blazevox print book Apparition Poems was shot at the Eris Temple in West Philadelphia in 2010.